Term of uses

  • Updated date: January 1, 2023

    important hint: This user agreement (hereinafter referred to as "this agreement") is signed by SAWOTIM PTE. LTD. Once this agreement is concluded, it will have contractual effect between you and SAWOTIM. SAWOTIM solemnly reminds you, please read carefully and fully understand all the terms of this agreement, especially the content marked in bold. When you check or click "Agree" to this agreement, you are deemed to have read and agreed to be bound by this agreement. If you do not agree to this agreement, please immediately stop registering or using SAWOTIM's services.

  • 1. General principles

    1. FullScan is a tool operated by SAWOTIM to provide you with document scanning, identification, management and other services. The specific service types include but are not limited to the FullScan website (https://www.awotim.com/), FullScanAPP, FullScan applet, FullScan application programming interface (API) or FullScan application software development kit (SDK) for calling.

    2. SAWOTIM has the right to modify this agreement in due course according to laws and regulations, national standards and business operations. If this agreement changes, we will publish the updated agreement in FullScan. Such changes are not considered as SAWOTIM's violation of this Agreement. If you continue to use FullScan after the revision of this agreement, it means that you have fully read, understood and agreed to the revised agreement, and are willing to be bound by the revised agreement; if you do not agree to the revised agreement, please stop using FullScan immediately.

    3. In addition to this agreement, the agreements, service rules, policies, notices, etc. that we have published or may publish in the future regarding the products or services provided by SAWOTIM to you are regarded as supplementary agreements to this agreement and are integral to this agreement. It has the same legal effect as this Agreement. Please pay attention to and read the above-mentioned relevant supplementary agreement in time. If some or all of the provisions of the relevant supplementary agreement are found to be invalid, it will not affect the effectiveness of other agreements or agreement terms.

    4. If there is any inconsistency between this agreement and the offline agreement signed between you and SAWOTIM or the electronic order (hereinafter referred to as "electronic order") generated by purchasing specific services, the offline agreement or electronic order shall prevail.

  • 2. Account registration

    1. You may need to register an account when using FullScan, or log in with a third-party account approved by us, otherwise we have the right to refuse to provide services to you.

    2. Account registration conditions:

    (1) If you are an adult (that is, over 18 years old), legal person or other organization, you should have full capacity for civil conduct;

    (2) If you do not have full capacity for civil conduct, you should obtain the consent of your guardian before registering and using FullScan. In particular, if you are a minor (that is, under the age of 18, the same below), you should also abide by the provisions of this agreement regarding the terms of use for minors.

    (3) If you do not meet any of the above conditions, please immediately stop registering or using SAWOTIM's services, otherwise SAWOTIM has the right to suspend or terminate your user qualification at any time.

  • 3. Complete the registration:

    (1) You should provide true, complete and accurate information according to the prompts on the registration page, and you must not use other people's information to register an account or provide other false information to SAWOTIM.

    (2) The ownership of the FullScan account belongs to SAWOTIM. After you complete the application and registration, you only get the right to use the account.

  • 4. Information authenticity guarantee:

    (1) If it is found that you have fraudulently obtained registration with false or false information, SAWOTIM has the right to unilaterally take measures such as correction within a time limit, deletion of information, restriction or suspension of use, freezing or cancellation of account and termination of some or all services to you without notice.

    (2) You should promptly correct false information, update and improve your relevant information.

    (3) If you fail to correct and update the information in time, resulting in SAWOTIM being unable to provide services to you as agreed, or causing any losses during your use of SAWOTIM products or services, you shall be solely responsible.

    (4) SAWOTIM shall not bear any responsibility for the suspension or termination of the service caused by the above reasons, and you shall bear all adverse consequences. If any losses are caused to SAWOTIM, you shall bear corresponding responsibilities.

  • 3. Account security and usage specifications

    1. You should properly keep your account, password and other valid identification information. You shall be solely responsible for any losses caused by the leakage or loss of your account number, password or other valid identification information, or the theft or tampering of your account number and password due to your personal reasons. You shall be responsible for all actions taken by using your account number and password, and SAWOTIM shall not bear any responsibility.

    2. If you find that your account number and password have been fraudulently used or stolen by others, please immediately notify SAWOTIM in an effective manner and request SAWOTIM to suspend the service. SAWOTIM shall not be liable for your losses within a reasonable period of time for taking action.

    3. You may not transfer, sell, rent, lend or share your account number, password and part or all of your account rights to others. If you transfer, sell, rent, lend or share your account number, password and some or all of your account rights to others, which infringes or may infringe on the legal rights of SAWOTIM or the third party's personal information, privacy and other legal rights, SAWOTIM The right to limit, freeze, cancel your account, suspend or terminate the provision of part or all of the services under this agreement to you without any notice, and does not need to bear any responsibility for this.

    4. Any information scanned, uploaded, produced, shared or any actions taken through your account will be regarded as your own actions, and you should be fully responsible for all actions that occur under this account.

    5. Please update the mobile phone number or email address bound to your FullScan account in time when you apply for cancellation of your mobile phone number or email address, or when your mobile phone number or email address is canceled due to other reasons. SAWOTIM shall not be liable for any leakage of user data or damage to other personal rights due to your failure to update the mobile phone number or email address bound to the FullScan account in time.

  • 4. Specifications for the use of software and services

    1. SAWOTIM grants you a non-transferable, revocable and non-exclusive license to use our software and services. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, you may only install, use, and run our software and services on the corresponding terminal equipment for non-commercial purposes.

    2. You can obtain our software directly from SAWOTIM's website, or from a third party authorized by SAWOTIM. If you obtain our software or an installation program with the same name as the software from a third party not authorized by SAWOTIM, we cannot guarantee that the software can be used normally, and we will not be responsible for any losses caused to you.

    3. Please use FullScan correctly. If you use FullScanAPP, you can refer to the content under the "Help" item of FullScanAPP for specific functions and operation methods; if the content under the "Help" item of FullScanAPP cannot help you, or you use the FullScan website , FullScan applet, FullScanAPI or SDK, you can contact us directly for necessary help: [email protected]. Any loss caused by your improper setting or operation shall be borne by you.

    4. You understand and agree that you may not use FullScan to scan, upload, create, share, or disseminate information containing the following content:

    (1) Those who oppose the basic principles established by the Constitution of the People's Republic of China;

    (2) Endangering national security, divulging state secrets, subverting state power, and undermining national unity;

    (3) Damage to national honor and interests;

    (4) Distorting, defaming, blaspheming, denying the deeds and spirit of heroes and martyrs, insulting, slandering or otherwise infringing on the names, portraits, reputations, and honors of heroes and martyrs;

    (5) Propagating terrorism, extremism or inciting terrorist or extremist activities;

    (6) Inciting ethnic hatred, ethnic discrimination, and undermining ethnic unity;

    (7) Undermining the state's religious policy, promoting cults and feudal superstitions;

    (8) Spreading rumors and disrupting economic and social order;

    (9) Spreading obscenity, pornography, gambling, violence, murder, terror or abetting crimes;

    (10) Insulting or slandering others, infringing on others' reputation, privacy and other legitimate rights and interests;

    (11) Other content prohibited by laws and administrative regulations.

  • 5. SAWOTIM has the right to limit, freeze, cancel your account without notice, suspend or cancel your account based on unilateral independent judgment, when it thinks that it may endanger national security, public safety, social public interest, SAWOTIM or the legitimate rights and interests of a third party, etc. Terminate providing you with some or all of the services under this Agreement, and delete your relevant data without any liability to you. Such circumstances include but are not limited to:

    (1) The information you provide for account registration is not authentic, complete or accurate, including but not limited to misappropriating other people's certificate information to register, etc.;

    (2) Transfer, sell, rent, lend or share the account to others;

    (3) Stealing or illegally accessing or abusing other user accounts or information in accounts;

    (4) Delete all copyright information about our products, reverse engineer, reverse assemble, reverse compile our products or services, or try to find software source code in other ways;

    (5) Commercially copy, change, modify, mount and run our products, or make any derivative works or products, use plug-ins, plug-ins or unauthorized tools to access, interfere with, and affect our products or services;

    (6) Restricting, prohibiting or interfering with or influencing others to use FullScan by other methods, or interfering with the normal operation of the network, such as posting or transmitting any information or software of the following nature: containing worms, viruses or other harmful functions, or generating traffic levels May prevent others from using, sending or retrieving information;

    (7) Access or attempt to access our products or services through web crawlers or other automated means, or violate robots.txt or similar files in our products or services;

    (8) Commercially use, rent, lend, copy, modify, link, reprint, compile, publish, publish, establish mirror sites, etc. on our product or service-related information content and other data;

    (9) Any operation performed in bad faith, or that may damage any rating or comment on our products or services, and any behavior that may affect the integrity or accuracy of our products or services;

    (10) Infringe or may infringe the intellectual property rights, personal information, privacy rights or other legal rights of SAWOTIM or any third party;

    (11) Engage in other acts that violate the law or this Agreement.

    6. Any content sent or uploaded by you using FullScan (including but not limited to document images, document information or other information, etc., hereinafter referred to as "content"), whether it is transmitted publicly or privately, shall be borne by you, and you guarantee that you have owned Necessary authorization to upload content shall not infringe upon the legitimate rights and interests of others such as intellectual property rights, personal information, and privacy rights. If SAWOTIM suffers losses (including but not limited to damages, attorney fees) due to your actions, you agree to be fully liable for the losses. SAWOTIM reserves the right to review, block, delete content or terminate the service according to law.

    7. In the process of using FullScan, if you violate the provisions of the law or any agreement in this agreement and cause losses to SAWOTIM, other users or any third party, you shall bear all the responsibilities, and SAWOTIM shall not bear any responsibility for this.

  • 5. Member purchase and recharge rules

    1. Some of our products or services are provided for a fee, and you can only use them after purchasing or recharging. Before placing an order, please carefully confirm the order information such as the purchased membership type, service name, price, quantity, etc.

    2. When you submit the order information and successfully pay the corresponding price, the sales contract between you and SAWOTIM on the product or service is established and becomes effective. Before the contract is established and becomes effective, both you and SAWOTIM have the right to cancel the service order. Please note here that the establishment and effectiveness of the contract is the prerequisite for SAWOTIM to provide you with services such as membership benefits, cloud storage space, fax services or translation services.

    3. SAWOTIM may modify and change the charging standards and methods of charging services according to actual needs. The prices of products or services we offer online are subject to change at any time, and SAWOTIM does not provide price protection or refunds for price reductions or promotions of products or services.

    4. Although SAWOTIM will try its best to ensure the accuracy of the product or service prices displayed by FullScan, various factors such as system failures and human errors may cause abnormal prices. If the price of the product or service is abnormal due to the above circumstances, and it is unfair for SAWOTIM to continue to perform the contract, we have the right to terminate the contract and return the price you have paid after negotiating with you according to the specific circumstances.

    5. The authorization/activation information contained in software products (including but not limited to activation codes, passwords, etc.) may be leaked for other users to open accounts, and such products are special commodities that are not eligible for return without reason. If you need any consultation or help due to product quality or other issues, you can send an email to: [email protected].

  • 6. Information storage and synchronization

    1. You understand and agree that when using FullScan, relevant information will be stored in your terminal device, occupying the storage space of your terminal device.

    2. You should choose whether to set a password when using this service to protect information security according to your needs.

    3. If you log into your account and use FullScan, you agree that the imported information will be stored in SAWOTIM's server. If you do not agree to store some or all of the imported information in SAWOTIM's server, you can only import the information in the "private folder", and all the information in the "private folder" will only be stored in your terminal device .

    4. When you use FullScan while logged in, if you directly modify the information in the terminal device, the information may be synchronized between the terminal device and the server according to the last modified result. When you temporarily use this service with a terminal device not owned by you, please log out in time, and pay attention to making necessary adjustments to your settings to avoid leaking your or others' personal information and privacy.

    5. If you accidentally delete the information in the terminal device account and the information is lost, you can visit the FullScan website to log in to the account to recover your information, but we do not guarantee that you will be able to recover your information.

    6. Although SAWOTIM will take necessary measures to store and protect your data in accordance with the law, we remind you that you should still back up your data by other means, and we cannot be responsible for your unsuccessfully stored or deleted data.

  • 7. Account cancellation

    1. If your account has the following circumstances, SAWOTIM has the right to cancel your account:

    (1) Your behavior violates the law or the provisions of this agreement;

    (2) Based on legal regulations or the requirements of competent state agencies;

    (3) After you register an account, you have not logged in to use the account for more than 9 consecutive months, and at the same time, there is no balance in your account and no unexpired services or rights.

    2. If you submit an account cancellation application to SAWOTIM, when your account meets the following conditions, the account can be canceled after being approved by SAWOTIM:

    (1) The account is in a normal state, not involved in any disputes or disputes (including complaints or reports), and has not been restricted by the competent authority;

    (2) There are no unfinished transactions in the account;

    (3) There are no other unsettled rights and obligations in the account (that is, there is no balance in the account and no services or rights that have not yet expired) or disputes arising from the cancellation of the account;

    (4) Other circumstances that may affect account cancellation.

    3. If you need to cancel your account, you should send an email to [email protected] to file a cancellation application, and it will be canceled after being approved by SAWOTIM. After the account is canceled, SAWOTIM will promptly notify you through your reserved email address, text message, etc.

    4. During the account cancellation process, if your account involves disputes or controversies, including but not limited to complaints, reports, lawsuits, arbitrations, investigations by state authorities, etc., SAWOTIM has the right to suspend or terminate the cancellation process of your account without additional with your consent.

    5. You have fully understood and agreed that after the account is canceled, you will no longer be able to continue to use the services provided by SAWOTIM, and you will no longer have rights related to the account. After the statutory period has expired, account-related content or data will be deleted or anonymized and cannot be restored.

    6. Any inconvenience or adverse consequences caused by the cancellation of the account shall be borne by you.

  • 8. Data protection

    SAWOTIM attaches great importance to the protection of user information. "FullScan Privacy Policy" presents how SAWOTIM will collect, use, store, share and protect your information, please refer to "FullScan Privacy Policy" for details.

  • 9. At your own risk

    1. SAWOTIM will try its best to ensure the correctness, continuity, timeliness and security of SAWOTIM services according to the existing technical level, but we are not responsible for unexpected risks that cannot be reasonably foreseen and uncontrollable (such as computer viruses, Trojan horses or other malicious programs, hacker attacks, equipment , system, hardware, software, and communication line failures, natural disasters, etc.), product technical defects, service stability, and any loss or damage arising therefrom will not be guaranteed in any form, nor will it be liable for any compensation, unless otherwise stipulated by law exception.

    2. Our products or services may be updated from time to time, and you can choose whether to accept the updates; if you choose not to update, we do not guarantee to provide you with the latest services, and any losses that may be caused by this will be borne by you.

    3. To the extent permitted by applicable laws, SAWOTIM has the right to suspend, terminate, and modify services at any time at its sole discretion, or suspend, terminate, or modify services for some users without prior notice.

    4. FullScan may contain links to third-party platforms or applications, application programming interfaces or software development kits. SAWOTIM provides such links for your convenience only. SAWOTIM does not make any guarantees and does not represent SAWOTIM Any recommendation, support or authorization of such third parties, their products and services should be identified by you and at your own risk. When using any products and services of the above-mentioned third parties, you should understand and accept the terms and rules of such third parties.

    5. Any loss or responsibility caused by your own reasons shall be borne by you, and SAWOTIM shall not be liable. Situations where SAWOTIM is not liable include but are not limited to:

    (1) Any loss or liability caused by your failure to operate in accordance with this agreement or any rules announced by SAWOTIM from time to time;

    (2) Any loss or liability caused by your failure to provide SAWOTIM with correct contact information and failure to receive relevant notifications from SAWOTIM in time;

    (3) Any other loss or liability caused by your own reasons.

  • 10. Protection of intellectual property rights

    1. All content used in the process of providing services to you by SAWOTIM, including but not limited to any text, image, video, chart, software, algorithm and other materials are owned by SAWOTIM or other specially indicated rights holders. SAWOTIM and the corresponding rights holders do not grant you any other rights to the above information and content through this agreement. Unless you have the prior written consent of the corresponding obligee, you may not publicly publish, transmit, copy or otherwise use part or all of the information provided by SAWOTIM to any third party in any form, and you may not change, virtualize or delete any signature, trademark, copyright logo and/or other rights notices.

    2. It is your duty to respect intellectual property rights. If you violate it and cause losses to SAWOTIM or the corresponding rights holders, you will be liable for damages.

  • 11. About the use of minors

    If you are a minor user and want to use FullScan, please obtain the consent of your guardian and use it under the guidance and supervision of your guardian. In addition, your guardian is responsible for helping you to correctly understand the content of this agreement, "FullScan Privacy Policy" and other relevant legal documents, so as to guide you to use FullScan correctly. In particular, if you are a child (that is, under the age of 14), you should also ask your guardian to read the "FullScan Children's Privacy Protection Guidelines" carefully before using FullScan. You can use FullScan only after obtaining the guardian's consent to the FullScan Children's Privacy Protection Guidelines.

  • 12. Notification of infringing content and non-infringing notification procedures

    1. In addition to the terms of this agreement, in order to protect intellectual property rights and other legal interests, if any individual or organization finds that a user has violated its legal rights or interests by using SAWOTIM's services, any of the above-mentioned individuals or organizations (hereinafter referred to as "complaints") Party") must submit a notice of infringement to SAWOTIM in writing, and the obligee must personally sign, and if it is an institution, it must affix the official seal of the institution. A notice of infringement should include the following:

    (1) The real identity information and detailed contact information of the complaining party, including name, address, telephone number and email address, together with a copy of valid identification documents, such as ID card, passport (individual), or institution establishment certification documents A copy of such as a business license (institution);

    (2) The specific name and network address of the allegedly infringing information;

    (3) Materials that can preliminarily prove the infringement, including but not limited to, the right holder has trademark rights, copyrights, or other ownership certificates that can exercise rights in accordance with the law;

    (4) Include the following statement in the infringement notice: "(i) I am the real right owner of the allegedly infringing content; (ii) I represent that the contents of the infringement notice are true and accurate; and (iii) I confirm that if this infringement notice The statement in the website is untrue and accurate, and I will bear the corresponding legal responsibility."

    2. If SAWOTIM removes content or links related to you according to the infringement notice, you can submit a non-infringement notice to SAWOTIM in writing with your own signature, if you are an organization, you need to affix the official seal of the organization. The notice of non-infringement shall include the following:

    (1) Your real identity information and detailed contact information, including name, address, phone number, and email address, with copies of valid identification documents, such as ID cards, passports (individuals), or institutional establishment documents A copy of such as a business license (institution);

    (2) The specific name and network address of the information removed by SAWOTIM;

    (3) Materials that can preliminarily prove non-infringement, including but not limited to trademark rights, copyrights, or other legally enforceable ownership certificates for the suspected infringing content;

    (4) Include the following statement in the non-infringement notice: "(i) I am the real right holder of the allegedly infringing content; (ii) I have the right to provide or disseminate the allegedly infringing content, and I declare that in this notice and (iii) I confirm that if the statement in this notice is untrue and accurate, I will bear the corresponding legal responsibilityā€¯.

    3. For the relevant information collected in the infringement notification and non-infringement notification procedures, we will strictly abide by the regulations on personal information protection, and only use it for the purpose of dealing with infringement, and unless otherwise stipulated by law, we will not use it for possible litigation disputes , we will delete the above information in time after the statute of limitations expires.

  • 13. Commercial Activities

    You understand and agree that we can carry out the following commercial activities in the products or services provided by SAWOTIM: send you commercial advertisements about SAWOTIM or third parties through FullScanAPP, website, applet or SMS, email or other legal means; Other relevant business information. We especially remind you that if the push information you receive is about a third party other than SAWOTIM, for such information, you should judge the authenticity of its content and be responsible for your own judgment. Except as expressly provided by law, we shall not be liable for any loss or damage you may suffer as a result of content provided by such information.

  • 14. Others

    1. If any clause in this agreement is partially or completely invalid or non-executable for any reason, the remaining clauses of this agreement shall still be valid and binding, and both you and SAWOTIM shall try their best to make the original intention set by the clause be realized.

    2. The validity, interpretation, modification, execution and dispute resolution of this agreement shall be governed by the laws of the People's Republic of China.

    3. Any disputes or disputes between the user and SAWOTIM arising from this agreement should be settled through friendly negotiation as much as possible; if the negotiation fails, either party can file a lawsuit at the people's court with jurisdiction in Jing'an District, Shanghai, where SAWOTIM is located.